Today is a very important day in my life, a new project is born, that has apparently been brewing for years, but that now I can see that it began to grow the day I was born.
Throughout my life I have experienced very important events, some inexplicable, which I now understand and deeply appreciate, all of which has made me grow as an individual and has led to the birth of CASA RUMI DE ESPAÑA.
I think that the Universe gives us its generosity at every moment, and that if we live with conscience there is a solution for every situation, although sometimes the solution may be the non-solution.
Undoubtedly, Mevlana Rumi’s message is in line with the time we live in nowadays. Learning about his life and work we notice his great wisdom and humanity. This great mystic has influenced, and continues to influence, thousands of people, who, knowing him, have improved their lives, as has been my case.
From here, I want to invite you to an exciting project, where art, culture and education unite to contribute to the progress of humanity through the figure of the great mystic Mevlana Rumi.
We invite you to participate in this promising Project.
Kindest regards.