What do we do?

  • Workshops

    ● Sema (Whirling Dervish)

    ● Calligraphy

    ● Ebru (Traditional water painting)

    ● Ney ( Reed flute, traditional instrument of Sufi music)

    ● Others

  • Cultural Events

    The Association will create and develop events in the field of art, culture and education, to make the figure of Rumi known.

    Such as:

    • Cultural week
    • Intercultural encounters
    • Concerts
    • Conferences
    • Poetry
    • Others

  • Publications

Rumi House of Spain is aware of the value of publications. True ambassadors who travel from hand to hand, arriving at unsuspected places, carrying our message in all directions.

Casa de Rumí, aims to promote and develop publications in different formats, such as digital, book, cd, etc.

  • Author and intercultural trips

• Intercultural tours Turkey – Spain

• Author travel:

– Cultural Route Mevlana Rumi

– Şeb-i Arus – Commemoration of the death of Mevlana Rumi

– Sema – Ceremony of the whirling dervishes

– Others

  • Exhibition and library

    ● Exhibitions:

    • Art
    • Photography
    • Others

    ● Library:

    • Physical
    • Digital

• Education


  • Erasmus + (Code PIC: 911267180)
  •  European educational exchange projects with different countries.
  •  International Conferences.
  • Educational, cultural and social projects.
  •  Finding partners in Spain for your projects.
  •  Organization of educational or training activities in Spain.
  •  Organization of joint programs.
  •  Participation in educational fairs or exhibitions in Spain or other European countries, on behalf of your university.
  •  Organization of study visits for your university in Spain.
  •  Organization of conferences in different cities of Spain in cooperation with your university and finding  associated Spanish universities to organize such conferences.
  •  Organization of cultural and tourism programs in Spain.
  •  Representation in Spain as your university office.
  •  Organization of internships programs for your students and provide support and follow-up during internship.
  •  Organization for accommodation of academics and students.
  • Cooperations with Universities
  •  Ney’s recitals for your college events.